Evaluation question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary texts?

I did do a filming of this question but it would not allow me to upload it on here! Both products were made to suggest a fun and happy vibe which I think was successful! Rebranding the digipack and also idea for the video was very important so therefore our development needed to be a strong selling point.

Our video is very colourful throughout with lots of different space backgrounds, Avicii has never particularly used space, it is something we chose ourselves but he has always used bright colors! I looked at Avicii’s album covers and I think ours is better just because his are quite plain but they never seem to revolve around girls so we also changed that, for example here is the most exciting one and this is bright

And I guess this is quite spacey but it has not got a lot going on and I think even though it is bright, it is pretty plane and boring so we wanted to add excitment and interest to Avicii’s covers! I

In our music video we used bright colours because of Avicii, when he performs he has very bright lights and things, which I guess could represent and reflect space, as the beaming! Also the bubbles going round in our video makes it visually attractive and more as if you were in a club, even the lip syncing looks like that too!

The different space backgrounds are so interesting to look at. The triangle is also a big theme we have in the video as well as on the digi pack, along with Alice being in the video, she is also on the digi pack. We focus on one person which is pretty much Alice, although we use Louise for Lip syncing, it would of been good to have Alice Lip syncing because you cannot really seeher face but in the end, it all comes together! We had looked at many dance videos, and it is always consistent and merges together as well as all of the other dance videos you see on MTV! If we used the footage without a greenscreen it would of looked so wrong just becasue our whole music video is so techniqual and revolved around editing with the green screen and lyrics with space!

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