Making of the poster

We had to design a poster to advertise the album releasing and also the band, so therefore we had to come up with a way to relate the album cover to the poster, it had to be different though and also eye-catching!

Firstly, We knew we had to include the album cover itself so therefore people know what to look out for in shops, and also it shows the album cover looking exciting! So it shows them what they are in for, which could make them excited to purchase this album!

Here, we found another picture which looked like space! We wanted to have the theme of us jumping in space again but we did not want it to be exactly the same as what we had on the album cover so we felt this was perfect! Next, we wanted to use stars to show the rating of the album.

Here, we made the colour’s of the stars more in suited to the background of the poster! We thought these stars were more striking so it would be one of the first things the public would notice, so straight away, if it is rated 5 stars then it must be a good album worth listening too, so then they made read more about the album for example when its out so they can purchase it!

Here, the feet of Jamie, who is in the middle, were not in the album cover’s picture so therefore we had to go back to the original picture we had before the album cover, crop the feet out to put on her which took quite a long process to get it just right. Also, here we edited out legs more so it had a kind of feeling to it as if we were letting off light when we jumped, so it again gave more of that space kind of feel to it! We also put in the date of it coming out, which was the same front that we used to say the name of the song on the album cover, we made this reasonably big and also clear, so you can see when you can buy it.

These are icons of both Twitter and Facebook, which are sponsors and where you can find more information about the album.

Universal Music logo, which shows the music company which produced the abum.

These are the music magazines you can find more information about the album, again advertising.

Here, because of putting the picture itself on the space background, we had to edit it so it looked real, as if we are actually jumping into space. So we had to go round the picture, colouring in each bit that did not look right. For example, we had to go round the hair so it did not look like there were gaps and that it was white.


This is our final piece we created, altogether I think it has ended up exactly how I would’ve liked it! Think it has a really fun, special look to it which would intrigue people who see it in to reading it and further more possibly buy the album itself! I think that everything we wanted too say is clear, the date its out, what other magazines say about it, the logo of the company who produced it, sponsors and also a picture of the band and the album cover also.

Designing the Digi-pack

We went and took a picture to make as our album cover, and here is how we edited it to make it look like a real album cover.

Here, we took a picture of I and Alice jumping in the air, whilst Jamie stood still whilst putting a triangle up, we decided we liked basing our album cover around a triangle, because it is quite an affective sign but mainly because there are 3 of us, which makes a triangle as we thought it would look good as our logo.

.After we took this picture, we edited it to make the affect look more like we are jumping, and also made each of us brighter to make us stand out more, which we edited on photoshop. Next, we went on to FireWork’s to use the magic wand on the background to delete it, therefore we could have a more exciting background of our own.

We then used a block colour so then we could try out different colours as the background, testing which ones we thought that were most affective and eyecatching.

We then decided, we liked the triangle idea so we would try and add that idea more into our album cover so we created triangle block shapes in the background.

Again, we tried playing around with the shapes in the background, but it did not seem right to us, even though we liked the triangle idea.

Here, we left the shapes for a minute and tried to test different font for the artist’s name on the cover.

Here, we found a space kind of picture, that we thought was really distinctive, bright and would be perfect for our background instead of one, simple block colour which we thought would be very boring. Then, because we still liked the triangle idea, we put the triangle on the space-themed picture and it turned out really well!

We then put the picture of us 3 girls, on top of the picture, so it was like as if we are jumping in space, which we thought went very well with the song as well as the theme we were going for!

There was still some parts of the picture that did not blend in properly with the background so therefore we used the pain to go around things such as the hair, too you could say “tidy” up the picture.

We decided the text we wanted was the font that Avicii already used, we thought it went with the cover well, because again it is very distinctive writing. We found putting it in the triangle was the best way it looked. That was the front of our cover finished and we were very happy with the design! Now we needed to make all the other sides relate to it but obviously be different still.

We then had design our inside of the digi-pack. We did not want to over-complicated it so we left one the side’s very simple. We played around with this image’s text though.

Here, for our other inside of the album picture, we took a photo of hands close up, but related back to the triangle.

We ended up having these pictures on the inside of our digi-pack, both very bright, simple and still relate to eachother.

This was the original photo we took, our plan was too have eyes on each of our backs because we liked that each of our eyes could be involved which we did not go through with in the end because we felt it did not suit what we were doing.

For example, this is the picture we took of my eye

If we did put this on the album, we planned to have done lots of different editing to make it look very different and a bit strange,  but in a good way. So for example, change the contrast.

Above shows the layout we had to go buy so then it was able to be sent to the printing factory, so therefore it would be the correct sizing.

In the pictures above we added, a bit more exciting, fun pictures which I think even if the album had the back to the public, people will still pick it up as it is very eyecatching. We also edited text and a bar code on to the album along with all the other rights of the record company.

Here, we tried to fit each picture in so it still had a professional, quality look to it.

We then did the spine to again say what the song is and who it is played by.

Before pictures that we almost used

We liked the idea of using different body parts just as eyes, and hands etc and taking a picture of each of them on the cover and this would be our front cover, but then we found it too serious and we wanted fun!

Again, more serious and wanted the cover fun!

We then tried two girls, to see how it looked and we both jumped because we found if we were having fun it would also look like that on the cover, two people looks wrong so we did 3 girls again and it turned out perfectly!

This was the picture we found that we based out album design around.


Annotating Posters

I decided to look at different posters advertising albums and then I am going to analyse them.

Katy Perry’s advertisement for “One of the boys” album. I think this is quite clever, it is similar to her album cover, but not exactly the same. It is still set in the garden, with the fence and blue sky but instead of her sunbathing it is her next to a paddling pool, which sets a summer vibe. The producer chose the words to stand out out as ” Includes the #1 smash hit” which would influence the viewer to buy this album, because if the song was at number 1 then it must be a popular, good song! Also, the artist’s name “Katy Perry”  is put in bold, in a girly, fun and pink type of writing, which tells us this album genre is probably for girls. It tells us the date of the release so then the viewer will know when to purchase the album. What the artist is wearing, is also very girly and matches the colour theme of blue, pink and white. I would say the theme of the album is very child-like also, with the heart-shaped lolly she is holding, the child’s paddling pool, the plastic ducks etc.

The Libertines made  a poster for “Don’t look back into the sun” album, this poster is a lot darker than the one above. It’s colour theme being red, black and white. It is an old fashioned kind of poster in my opinion, which I think it is suppose to give the affect of, it reminds me of the “Wanted” signs you saw in the Cowboys and Indians days. Again, it has a picture of what the album cover looks like, which shows the viewer what to look for in the shops.  It includes the date released in bold, and so it is easily read. Then in smaller print is the name of the songs.

The killers Album, poster above is for the live album they released, It has a picture of the Royal Albert Hall in the back but they have made the surrounding area different by making it as if it is in a desert but in a cartoon way, which is quite artistic and eye-catching although the colour’s used are not that bright. The date is again very clear at the bottom that is is released.  The name of the band is clear at the top, so you know straight away who this poster will be about.

Advertising for Albums

Normally when an song/music video and album is released it will need to be advertised. So therefore I am going too design a poster to advertise this which will be found in a music magazine. Too promote any media, producers make the advisement, maybe on the TV or print based but they all are trying to influence the public to purchase the product but also other things such as gig tickets so overall, sell the band too the public.

Jimi Hendrix Fillmore East Concert Poster    

Universal Music Group

Universal music Group (UMG) is a major global music company owned by French media conglomerate Vivendi. Universal Music Group own Universal Music Publishing Group which is the second largest music publishing company in the world.

Universal Music was once the music company attached to film studio Universal Pictures. Its origins go back to the formation of the American branch of Decca Records in 1934.

They have had success with people such as Maroon 5,  Madonna, Rhianna, Amy Whinehouse and Lady Gaga etc.

Avicii is also apart of Universal Music Group.



Digipack Styles

I wanted too look into more as to what we could have on our album cover., this website we looked at showed me how important colour, typography and theme are for the album cover and how these aspects as well as the actual spine and disk all relate how to the overall album cover stands out. I think that what is on the album cover is the thing that can make someone buy and album, if it’s interesting and the buyer likes it, they will buy the album regardless if they haven’t heard it.

Types of artwork

Portrait – Very simple, basically it is the artist or band on the cover looking at the camera, because it shows they are looking at the buyer. Normally the photo will be edited by photoshop to make it look more interesting and eyecatching. 

Text- Having big text taking up the cover is very simple, and probably easiest to do for an album cover. It makes it clear what the CD cover is, and can be quite eye catching because the name is very bold.


Photo Manipulation- These album covers are probably the most un-common. But these album covers are very interesting and distinctive, they interest the viwer a lot and if the album cover is good and distinctive then the music is likely to be too.

Black and White- Black and white albums give off a mysterious look, even though it obviously not is bright, it still stands out in the shop because its not that common for them to be black and white.

Illustrative- These are normally drawings, sometimes the artwork will represent the songs or maybe what genre they are, or they could be just quite random and eye catching.

Previous Idea’s

When we had chosen Example’s song “Daydreamer” we decided to go film, because it was a sunny day and we wanted out music video to be summery so therefore I, Susannah and Jamie who I am working with met up and went to Wansford Bridge because there is a river and thought it would be good to film there as a place to set a good summery vibe. After filming this footage, we decided we did not want to do this song, then we changed to “Treading water” which some of our footage could of related too, but yet again we decided to change our idea and found that none of this footage fitter in with our chosen song and idea we wanted. Our original idea was too film a teenagers day out in the summer, filming teenagers having fun and going to a party in the end.

Our footage was filmed at Wansford bridge which you can see in the pictures below as well as the map to identify where Wansford is.

This was the first video we filmed, we filmed from underneath the bridge because we thought it was a good setting view, to see the sun, tree’s and water whilst seeing people jump into the water from the bridge, we found this a fun task to do which showed teenage girls having fun. We were aware that the bridge is a road, so we had to be careful to see who was coming but also in the water, we had to check whether boats were coming for safety which we took into consideration.

We thought this video would be good for the Example video because it is as if the two girls are floating in the water daydreaming, which relates to the song and also you can see the sun reflecting on the water, I really think we could of done something even better to edit this to make it more affective too. Then we changed song to Treading water by Alex Clare, which again this could of related too because they are treading water!

As we found Example’s music videos to always have a women in it, and they used women in a sexual way we thought we would carry this out and also use that, in an teenage/fun kind of way! So therefore we filmed Alice, here is an example of One of Example’s video where he uses a women in sexy kind of way:

Digi-pack research

Two door cinema club’s album has made a very simple picture into a more fun, artisitic, random picture. It was just a simple picture of a cat I assume and they have made the cat’s eyes part of the O’s, which seems simple but actually it looks very affective and I have not seen a band do this before. It makes the band name stick out a lot, so therefore if I were too pass it in a shop, it would infact be eyecatching even though the colours used are quite dark.

Muse’s album cover is very artisitic but also simple at the same time, the brightness is made to stand out even more with the black background. I like the brightness but at the same time, I think this album cover is slightly boring, I am not 100% sure that it would catch someone’s eye in the shop, I think it’s still quite a cool and unique style to go for.


Mika’s album’s are always very bright and colourful so I had to use this an example! It’s a sketched, artistic drawing which I think sounds like it will be really simple, but this is one of the most exciting digi-pack covers that is out! I think it may be a bit too childish for Avicii so I do not thing we could do this though

Ellie Goulding’s album is very interesting, because it is a picture of her (the artist) but it has been edited, to make it look fun! and I think it has achieved that by making it stick out by editing light and bubbles in it, also it make her name look like it is made out of lights. I would definitely consider taking a picture like this and editing it to make it eye catching and fun! I plan on making a high-key lighting photo like this!

Calvin Harris’s front cover to his album is again very bright and a space kind of feeling to it. He is also a DJ which makes dance music just like Avicii so I thought I would look at the type of style he goes for. Yet again, its another fun album also. It has the artist on the front, but the background is very art, and looks like space because you can see stars etc. His sunglasses are also very fun which he is wearing, I think that this would be eyecatching in a shop, and make me interested to listen to the music.

Another exciting album cover is Coldplay’s Live album cover, it is fluorescent and is one of the most eye catching album covers you could get! Again its many sketches like Mika but it looks like it is done in glow in the dark paint.

One album cover I find boring and too plain is Drake’s album cover. It’s just a simple close up shot of him, focused on him then in writing on the top saying “Drake”. I also think the singer looks too serious, as I said before, I don’t like this on a music video cover because I find an artist or band that seems like they are enjoying themself normally make better music, although he may look like this to relate to his album which could be quite a serious, emotional album.

Another album that caught my eye was how different Ben Howard’s cover is. it is based underwater with him swimming down, and you see the light shining through the water. I think this is quite a calm album cover, it is quite relaxed but still eyecatching and distinctive, I think it relates to his music very well as his music is very bliss like floating in water which I think he is relating it too!

Introducing the Digipack

Because we are making a Music video, we have to make a Digi-pack to go along with it, it is also known as album artwork! It holds the CD, and images are on the front, back and inside of it. It is very important for the Digi-pack to look good, because people tend to buy what catches their eye, if it’s boring and ordinary, people will not bother to pick it up in a shop or have a glance on itune’s! There are all sorts of idea’s you can have on Digi-packs for images, including artistic, a picture that may relate to the band or artist or maybe just a picture of the band or artist! To know what kind of audience my audience will want on it, I looked at Avicii ‘s album cover.

Below we see Avicii’s album cover, which looks very affective and distinctive! I like the editing done to the women on the front, and also the sky’s being purple, I think that this would catch anyone’s eye in the shop! The title is presented very clear and bold, so people know straight away who the singer is. You can also tell from this cover, the music will be quite fun, and upbeat because it’s so bright which sets the song!

Initial Idea’s for the song of our music video

I decided to work with Jamie and Susannah for filming our music video, deciding the song, digi pack etc! And we gave eachother our ideas and each discussed them, what we liked and disliked about each idea:

First of all, we liked the idea of example’s song “Last ones standing”

We liked the idea of this because, the lyrics of the song talk about an adventure he is having “we’re on the run” he talks about, so I could of thought of endless ideas of different adventures we could film! For example, A teenagers day out and film exciting things such as party’s, going to different city’s and maybe a beach! But we decided in the end that we did not want the song because it could be quite hard to lip sync and because it is a reasonably long song, it would of took a lot of time and a lot of different things to film if we wanted to do it.

Secondly, we thought we could slow it down to an XX song, if we did “Angels” we thought it could be a love music video, I was not as keen on this idea, because as I said before I wanted quite an exciting video, I think we could of put a lot of different affects in it because it is  a song that would look really good with a lot of different editing affects. I just wanted more of an exciting music video.

We then considered example again, but a different more dance styled song. Because we decided if we wanted it as upbeat and as fun as we did want, then we would probably have to do a remix song or a song involving a DJ, so this song we found, which would of gone well with the eye aspect I really liked in the “One” music video by Swedish house Mafia because It could be like the main character of the music video was dreaming. In the end, we decided it probably was not best because again, it seemed as if we would have to film a lot of different footage, in different places, and we were not exactly sure what we could have a story of.

Then, we moved on too Alex Clare ” Treading Water” which was a face paced song, and we couldbase the video around water things, bu we decided this could take a lot of money becaus we would probably need an underwater video camera and would not want to base our whole video around water.

FINALLY, a song we all agreed would be a good song to film too would be Avicii’s song “Silhouettes” which we all thought we could think of different ideas for! We really liked the lyrics too, so this shall be our chosen idea.